Our church announced our reopening plan last week, and we have decided that for the foreseeable future, we’ll be focusing on family worship services.

I truly believe that family worship is important. I’ve written about that numerous times – for example, here and here.

Being important though, doesn’t mean it’s easy. Having all ages worshipping together – in one room – presents a number of challenges. To successfully host a family worship service, it requires time, effort and intentionality.

Over the past few days, I’ve put together a list of some of my favourite resources for family worship. I’d like to share them with you!

Sermon Notes & Listening Pages

Family Worship Service Planning

Family Worship Ideas


I hope this list of resources can be helpful to you!

In my pursuit of helpful resources, I’ve created one of my own:

A Guide to Family Worship

This guide includes discussion questions for parents, sermon notes for elementary-aged kids & preschoolers, a “Why do We Do It?” conversation guide, and social media images!

It’s on sale this week only (until September 7) for half price!

If you have a helpful resource to share, please send it my way! I’d love to add it to my list!
