One of the concepts I was introduced to early in my ministry life was the idea of being a “life-long learner.”
This is the idea of using formal learning opportunities (schooling, conferences, and courses!) and informal learning opportunities (like mentorship, blog posts, and podcasts) to grow our knowledge about a topic!
I loved this idea right away – and committed to being a “life long learner” – however, it’s easier said than done! (And all the ministry leaders said AMEN!)
Weekly ministry demands, prep-work, lesson-prep and life can quickly and easily get in the way of committing to be a learner.
So how can we do it?
How can we be leaders that learn?
While I do believe that an important part of learning is investing in areas you’re interested in, as leaders in children’s and family ministry, there are several key areas we should be consistently growing and learning in.
Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be sharing some great resource recommendations and ideas for learning in those key areas, but for now, let me share with you three of my best tips for being a leader that learns.
1. Make the time!
Small chunks of time work wonders! Even those of us who are most busy can find a few minutes each week to learn and grow.
Ask yourself – “Are there 30 minutes a week I could set aside for growing my own learning?”
That could be all in one day – maybe on Tuesday mornings while you drink your coffee.
Maybe it’s 10 minutes after supper several evenings a week.
Whatever it looks like, find those 30 minutes. Make the time! I promise you, it’s worth it – and once you start, you’ll see it grow!
2. Challenge yourself to APPLY one thing a week that you’re learning.
I am convinced one of the reasons ministry leaders DON’T take the time to learn and invest in themselves is because they believe it’s impractical.
We are often so focused on getting through the week of MINISTRY that we can only see short-term. We are looking for this week’s lesson, printable or next month’s plan – and often forget to focus on growing our theology, spiritual life or skills.
It’s not that they aren’t important, it’s just that they don’t feel urgent.
So, if you want to become a life-long learner, make it practical!
Challenge yourself to implement something you’re learning each week.
We do this in my Teaching Theology to Kids & Creative Ideas for Family Ministry courses, but you could do it with ANYTHING you’re learning.
We take an abstract idea – like the Trinity or the Holy Spirit, and provide a practical challenge to incorporate into your ministry during the course of the week.
How can you do that with WHATEVER you’re learning – whether a spiritual discipline, a theological concept, or ministry style?
When you are challenging yourself to PRACTICE what you’re learning, I guarantee you will be more motivated, it will stick with you AND you’ll see improvements in your own life and ministry!
3. Find a learning style that works for you.
I am a reader. I love books.
Consuming books, articles and blog posts is one of the ways I learn the best.
But, I realize not everyone is a reader – and sometimes, that keeps people from learning.
How you learn doesn’t matter as much as what you are learning.
So don’t let your disdain for reading, lack of education, or whatever else you may struggle with hold you back from learning.
Embrace your learning style – and then use it to grow!
For some of us, that is reading.
For others, it is listening.
For some of us it is casual “informal” learning over coffee or in a Facebook chat.
There is no wrong way to be a leader who learns – as long as you are doing something!
I am excited to share with you some of my favourite resources, recommendations and ideas for growing as a leader over the month of April! Be sure you’re following us on social media, our email list & stay tuned!