I always say that Easter & Christmas are the two most meaningful holidays in the Christian calendar.

Yet, it always strikes me that we make such a big deal of leading up to Christmas in our families and ministries, but often skim right over the Easter season.

In some ways, I get it!

The birth of Jesus and all that goes with it is much easier (and dare I say, on the surface, more joyful?) to talk about than His death and resurrection – especially with young children.

However, I think there are some meaningful ways we can focus on Easter and make this season meaningful – in ways that are age-appropriate, and help our kids deepen their understanding of Jesus’ beautiful love for us!

Create a countdown to Easter.

Right now, we are right in the middle of the Lent season. Lent is a great way to countdown to Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

While Lent has already started, it’s not too late to start counting down to Easter with your family – you still have 30 days until Easter Sunday!

Here are some of my favourite options:

I’ve been really drawn to the theme of Lament this Lent season, and if your family has been struggling with everything that’s happening in the world, I’d be honoured if you’d check out our Lament Devotional for families – especially for older kids:

Incorporate Jesus into your Easter weekend routines!

So often we separate the “Jesus” part of Easter from the “fun” part of Easter – and so our kids don’t understand the exciting celebration – that we serve a risen Jesus! Consider ways you can incorporate Jesus into every part of your day, not just church. Here are some suggestions: