When people hear I’m a pastor and about my background in theology, I can almost read their minds.

I’ve heard comments like “I bet your kids know a lot about the Bible!”

Or, “I’d disciple my family too if I knew what you know!”

Or, “I bet the conversations in your house are amazing!”

Funnily enough, the conversations are amazing – but not for the reasons you might expect.

Most of our theological conversations happen when a certain someone is supposed to be sleeping.

Our intentional moments of discipleship – like devotions – don’t always go according to plan.

There’s usually crying, screaming, the insistence of a 2-year-old on singing “The Cat Came Back” as our worship song, and theological answers that make me cringe inside, sometimes.

Despite all that, I continue to be so passionate about cultivating Jesus followers in my home – and in the homes of the families I serve.

My heart is to see kids grow into lifelong followers of Jesus – with a faith that’s alive and active.

So how do we do that?

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing about some ways we can cultivate followers of Jesus, and today I want to start with what might be the simplest, but also the most profound – with everyday conversations.

If we want our kids to become followers of Jesus for life, we need to show them that Jesus impacts every part of our lives – not just a few moments of family devotions or at church on Sundays.

That’s why, if we want to cultivate followers of Jesus, it needs to happen (and perhaps, happens best) in everyday conversations with our kids.

Here are some practical ways you can make it happen:

Making faith a part of your everyday life – and your everyday conversation – can help cultivate a love for Jesus, and a heart to follow Him – in your kids. No matter who you are, or what your life looks like, you can do this. God has positioned you to cultivate a love for Jesus in your family.