The day that I’m writing this on, January 16, is thought to be the “saddest day of the year” by some. Blue Monday as they call it, is when the post-Christmas, mid-winter sadness seems to come to a head, so to speak.

While I’m not sure if I believe in “blue Monday”, I do know that January is a “blue” month. We feel tired, the Christmas decorations are down, and our New Years’ Resolutions are no longer so glamorous.

In our faith and ministry life, January can feel “blue” too. The excitement of Advent, Christmas & teaching kids about the beauty of Jesus’ birth is in the past. Programs feel a little slow, and even on the liturgical calendar, we are in “ordinary time.”

I find myself asking – how do we keep discipling our families in the dreary days of January?

The answer I think is simple (even if it’s not easy) –

Just keep doing it.

It’s not a profound or brand-new idea, but it’s an important one.

Discipleship may not feel as exhilarating during the January months. We might feel tired, and unmotivated, and things might just feel ordinary.

There may not be a lot of profound, life-changing moments – but that’s not what discipleship is about.

Discipleship is about following Jesus, and showing those God has entrusted us with how to follow.

That doesn’t just happen in the fresh days of September or the beautiful days of December.

It happens on the long, blue days of January too. So, don’t quit.

Just keep going.

In the dreary days of January, don’t quit on discipleship.

Keep showing up, even in the small ways.