Can this family discipleship blogger admit something about family discipleship to you?

It can be really hard.

And just in case you think that family devotions in our house consist of everyone quietly sitting, nodding & praying profound prayers every night – let me set the record straight: that’s not really what our family devotions look like.

Yet, I think they’re still so important.

I was reminded of their importance once again this week while reading “Habits of the Household” by Justin Whitmel Earley.

Here’s what he has to say about family devotions:

If what we expect at family devotions is a family of quiet children who give us their wide and curious eyes, speak out their Sunday school answers in sweet voices when called on, and then fold their hands and wait for their turn to pray, well – you’ll be waiting your whole life for family devotions. If our goal was to do soemthing perfect, we’d still be doing nothing. But that is not the goal; the goal is just to do something and a messy something is still a something.

“Habits of the Household”, Justin Whitmel Earley

We don’t do family devotions because they are perfect or planned or (even always) enjoyable.

We do family devotions because they are teaching our kids something important – that following Jesus matters to our family, and it takes time and effort to do that.

So, while we don’t do family devotions every night, and while sometimes it ends in exasperation (and sometimes in laughter!), we carry on doing family devotions!

As we head into fall, and you may be wanting to revamp the discipleship routine in your house, let me give you a few tips to create a family discipleship time that works for you!

  1. Choose a time that works for your house!
    Bedtime devotions don’t work very well in our house – everyone is tired! What has worked for us in this stage of life is suppertime devotions! Some nights they take 3 minutes, and some nights they take 13 minutes, but our kids now know to expect devotions at suppertime – and even ask about them!
  2. Keep it simple (and age-appropriate!)
    There are so many great family devotionals out there – but some of them won’t work for your family! I think great family devotionals are simple, focus on Scripture, and get everyone involved. What everyone being involved looks like will be different if you have preschoolers in your house (like me!) instead of preteens. Choose a resource or guide to help you, and then go for it!
  3. Use music!
    Our kids love music – and I bet yours do too! We have worked on learning hymns and songs into our family devotional routine as a way to finish every night. It’s a great way to teach kids theology, and to carry on the tradition of church history. As we’ve learned “The Doxology” together, I’ve been able to explain to my 5-year-old that this is a song people have been singing for hundreds of years! It grounds them in faith and helps them realize that they are part of a “great cloud of witnesses.”
  4. Give everyone grace!
    You want everyone in your house to know that devotions are a serious time – where we talk about God – but you also need to give yourself (and your kids!) grace. Sometimes, everyone will just start laughing and not be able to stop. Sometimes, there will be a gazillion and one questions. Sometimes, nobody will be listening and it will be a quick Bible verse and prayer before you call it quits. Some nights, you will forget to do devotionals! Doing family devotions is about creating a rhythm, not strict rules.

Family devotions aren’t always easy, but they are so worth it! Seeing the expectation to learn about Jesus they’re creating in my kids, as well as the knowledge about who God is, is so worthwhile.

And since we’re here, let me share with you some ideas for family devotions this fall: