An Easter Week Walk: 7-Day Devotional


This 7-day devotional can be used by families to make the truth of Easter come alive in the days that follow Easter Sunday!


The truth of Easter should matter to us all year round, and there is no better time to make the truth come alive in our hearts than the days that follow Easter. This devotional is a perfect fit to distribute at your Easter worship services, share with families in Easter baskets or take-home kits, or post online for families to use!

The 7-day devotional is based around the story of the Road to Emmaus in Luke 24, and has families using a “Step Tracker” printable to track their progress in the devotional. After reading the narrative on Day 1, families will participate in daily activities to make the truth of Easter come alive, and realize all that Jesus has done for them. This devotional has a daily reading and activity for families to complete together.


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