One of the most common questions I ask myself as I minister to families (including my own!) is this:
Is anyone really learning anything?
Sure, I love to hear people say “That was so fun!” or “My kids love your programs!” and “Whoa! That must have taken a lot of effort!”
But I often find myself reflecting – “Is anyone learning the truth about God? Am I teaching kids more about who He is?”
I hear from other family ministry leaders – and even parents! – who are asking the same questions.
How do we help kids understand the truth about the Bible?
Who God is?
Who Jesus is – and what He’s done for us?
The importance of the Church?
The work of the Holy Spirit?
I’ll be honest – this isn’t an easy task, but it is a worthwhile one.
Teaching our kids theology – or simply put, the truth about God and the way He works – is incredibly important work.
You see, I’m a firm believer that what kids learn in their early years will be formative to their faith as they grow.
Having solid teaching on who God and why it matters will allow kids to have strong, practical faith that can stand up to questions, doubts and changes in their lives and our world.
So, how do we do it? How do we teach kids theology?
I believe that the key to teaching kids complex truths about God is to do it in an intriguing way.
The God of the Universe and His Word are incredible – and it is to our shame if kids find that boring or irrelevant to their lives.
It is our job as the adults in their lives – pastors, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders and parents – to make theology come alive for the kids we serve.
Here are a few practical suggestions:
- Start Small! – Don’t attempt to teach your kids gigantic concepts all at once! This quickly gets overwhelming. Instead, break down big ideas into digestible pieces. If you’re looking for a way to get started on that, I recommend starting with the Apostles’ Creed! You can find a free guide to teach that truth to kids here!
- Use Interactive Methods! – Kids often learn best through hands-on activities. There are so many different learning styles, and when teaching the truth about God, you want to engage as many as possible! As you attempt to teach kids the truth about God, think through hands-on and engaging methods that will make the truth you’re teaching come alive. If you’re looking for a place to get started, check out this Pinterest board!
- Encourage Questions! – Kids of all ages ask a lot of questions, about everything. When you’re teaching kids about theology, encourage them to ask their questions – even if they feel overwhelming to you. The point is not to have all the answers, but to let kids know that it’s okay to be curious, interested, and ask questions. I believe this is key to a vibrant faith that stands strong as kids grow.
Teaching kids theology really truly matters – even in this uncertain season! Finding time and space to teach families the truth about who God is an essential task.
If you’re looking for teaching, inspiration and ideas on how exactly do that, check out our brand-new “Teaching Theology to Kids” Course launching on August 20!
This course is 8 video lessons on theological topics, and is filled with practical ideas to teach the truth about God to kids! You don’t want to miss it.
Whether you’re a parent, children’s pastor, small group leader or Sunday School teacher, this course is for YOU!