Creating a Meaningful Easter Season for Your Family

I always say that Easter & Christmas are the two most meaningful holidays in the Christian calendar. Yet, it always strikes me that we make such a big deal of leading up to Christmas in our families and ministries, but often skim right over the Easter season. In some ways, I get it! The birth […]
The Bible Food Truck: A Devotional You Don’t Want to Miss

My friend Vanessa creates some of the best family faith resources out there! I love using her “Family Faith Kits” and I was a huge fan of her last devotional – Breakfast with Jesus. So, when Vanessa touched base asking if I’d like to check out her newest devotional, the answer was simple – Absolutely! […]
Lent and Lament: When the World Seems Broken

These are heavy days, aren’t they? After two years of a pandemic, political divisions that are tearing apart our countries, suffering across the globe, and now, a war that hits close to home – everything just feels heavy. I’ve heard so many parents make comments over the past few days like – “What kind of […]
Loving the Families You Serve: Let Them Know They’re Important!

As the parent of two young kids, I have observed how much we like to be noticed. Throughout the course of the day, I hear the phrase “Mom! Look!” probably a hundred times (this might be a slight exaggeration… but honestly, not much!). When they accomplish something great, like building a giant Lego tower, do […]
Loving the Families You Serve: Learning to Listen

One of the greatest skills in any relationship – parenting, marriage, friendship, and yes, in ministry – is learning to listen to the people closest to us! That isn’t an easy task – but it is vital to showing families that we truly care. How do we listen to the families we serve? How do […]
Loving the Families You Serve

February is a month where we celebrate love! While it has been commercialized & commodified, here at Equip Family, we are reclaiming love for the month of February. We want to focus on how to love the families that we serve in the month of February. How can we show families that they’re significant, that […]
New Year, Ancient Habits: When Disciplines Are A Struggle

When we think about kids, families, and introducing spiritual disciplines, it all seems challenging enough. While the goal of this series has been to introduce simpler ways to incorporate those disciplines, it can still seem an insurmountable challenge. So how do we do it? How do we make it work when disciplines are a struggle? […]
New Year, Ancient Habits: Outward Expressions of Faith

I am a firm believer that faith in Jesus is deeply personal. We need to form our own relationships with Jesus, and have habits that allow us to connect with Him. That’s why introducing disciplines like prayer, Bible study & meditation are so important – even to our children. While faith is indeed deeply personal, […]
New Year, Ancient Habits: Teaching Kids to Pray

Teaching kids to pray isn’t easy – probably because it isn’t easy for most of us to pray. If you’re like me, prayer is often something that comes with a lot of guilt – I don’t do it enough, don’t do it in long enough spurts, or don’t always remember to pray for all the […]
New Year, Ancient Habits: Introducing Bible Study to Your Families

What do you picture when you hear the phrase “Bible Study?” Maybe you picture highlighters, piles of commentaries & notebooks full of profound thoughts you’ve jotted down. Maybe you envision a group of friends, sitting with cups of coffee and discussing what they’re learning. Whatever you picture, most of us don’t envision children or families […]